API Reference

Retrieves customer details from the core processor.  This information includes customer-affiliated deposit and loan products with their respective balances.

    "success": true,
    "payload": {
      "customer_id": "123456789",
      "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
      "name": "John Kroft",
      "title": "Mr",
      "first_name": "John",
      "middle_name": "Armistead",
      "last_name": "Kroft",
      "suffix": "Jr",
      "birth_date": "1980-01-01",
      "formation_date": None,
      "tax_id": "333331000",
      "tax_id_type": "SSN",
      "branch_code": "1234",
      "physical_addresses": [
          "type": "MAILING",
          "line_1": "18 Roberts Rd",
          "line 2": "Medford, MA 02155",
          "line_3": null,
          "line_4": null,
          "city": "Medford",
          "state_code": "MA",
          "zip_code": "02155-0000",
          "country_code": "US"
          "type": "BILLING",
          "line_1": "595 East 2nd St",
          "line 2": "Boston, MA 02121",
          "line_3": null,
          "line_4": null,
          "city": "Boston",
          "state_code": "MA",
          "zip_code": "02111-0000",
          "country_code": "US"
      "email_addresses": [
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          "address": "jarkroft@gmail.com"
          "type": "WORK",
          "address": "jarkroft@sandboxbanking.com"
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          "type": "MOBILE",
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      "authorized_representatives": [],
      "products": [
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          "product_category": "ASSET",
          "product_type": "Checking Account",
          "product_name": "John's Free Checking Account",
          "status": "Active",
          "relationship": "Primary Account Owner",
          "branch_code": "1234",
          "opened_date": "2001-10-05",
          "current_balance": 199415,
          "available_balance": 301789
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          "product_category": "ASSET",
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          "status": "Active",
          "relationship": "Primary Account Owner",
          "branch_code": "1234",
          "opened_date": "2020-12-15",
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          "product_type": "HELOC",
          "product_name": "John HELOC – 18 Roberts Rd",
          "status": "Active",
          "relationship": "Primary Borrower",
          "branch_code": "1111",
          "opened_date": "2007-10-01",
          "payment_frequency": "Monthly",
          "payment_min_amount": 123100,
          "interest_rate": "3.05",
          "secured": true,
          "credit_limit": 20000000,
          "current_balance": 5000000
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          "product_category": "LIABILITY",
          "product_type": "Home Mortgage 30-Yr (Owner Occupied)",
          "product_name": "John Mortgage – 18 Roberts Rd",
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          "opened_date": "2001-10-01",
          "maturity_date": "2031-10-01",
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          "payment_min_amount": 223100,
          "interest_rate": "4.15",
          "secured": true,
          "original_balance": 32300000,
          "current_balance": 10766555
    "messages": null
    "success": true,
    "payload": {
      "customer_id": "456012387",
      "type": "C_CORP",
      "name": "Bread Bakers of America",
      "title": None,
      "first_name": None,
      "middle_name": None,
      "last_name": None,
      "suffix": None,
      "birth_date": None,
      "formation_date": "1980-01-01",
      "tax_id": "333331987",
      "tax_id_type": "EIN",
      "branch_code": "1234",
      "physical_addresses": [
          "type": "MAILING",
          "line_1": "55 Maia Rd",
          "line 2": "Medford, MA 02155",
          "line_3": null,
          "line_4": null,
          "city": "Medford",
          "state_code": "MA",
          "zip_code": "02155-0000",
          "country_code": "US"
          "type": "BILLING",
          "line_1": "55 Maia Rd",
          "line 2": "Medford, MA 02121",
          "line_3": null,
          "line_4": null,
          "city": "Boston",
          "state_code": "MA",
          "zip_code": "02155-0000",
          "country_code": "US"
      "email_addresses": [
          "type": "WORK",
          "address": "dan@bboamaiaroad.com"
      "phone_numbers": [
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          "number": "9781237456"
      "authorized_representatives": [
          "relationship": "OWNER",
          "customer_id": "987654321",
          "access": "ALL"
          "relationship": "OFFICER",
          "customer_id": "987654333",
          "access": "READ_ONLY"
      "products": [
          "account_number": "1234567899",
          "product_category": "ASSET",
          "product_type": "Checking Account",
          "product_name": "BBOA Checking Account",
          "status": "Active",
          "relationship": "Primary Account Owner",
          "branch_code": "1234",
          "opened_date": "2001-10-05",
          "current_balance": 199415,
          "available_balance": 301789
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          "product_category": "ASSET",
          "product_type": "CD_3MO",
          "product_name": "BBOA's 3-Mth CD Mat: 3/21",
          "status": "Active",
          "relationship": "Primary Account Owner",
          "branch_code": "1234",
          "opened_date": "2020-12-15",
          "original_balance": 299812,
          "maturity_date": "2021-03-15",
          "current_balance": 299812,
          "available_balance": 299812
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          "product_category": "LIABILITY",
          "product_type": "HELOC",
          "product_name": "BBOA HELOC – 55 Maia Rd",
          "status": "Active",
          "relationship": "Primary Borrower",
          "branch_code": "1111",
          "opened_date": "2007-10-01",
          "payment_frequency": "Monthly",
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          "interest_rate": "3.05",
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          "current_balance": 5000000
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          "product_category": "LIABILITY",
          "product_type": "Office Mortgage 30-Yr",
          "product_name": "BBOA Mortgage – 55 Maia Rd",
          "status": "Active",
          "relationship": "Primary Borrower",
          "branch_code": "1111",
          "opened_date": "2001-10-01",
          "maturity_date": "2031-10-01",
          "number_payments": 360,
          "payment_frequency": "Monthly",
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          "interest_rate": "4.15",
          "secured": true,
          "original_balance": 32300000,
          "current_balance": 10766555
    "messages": null
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!