API Reference
  "postedDate": "2024-12-17",
  "transactionDate": "2024-12-16",
  "id": "123456789",
  "accountId": "987654321",
  "amount": "-150.00",
  "category": "Groceries",
  "merchant": "Supermarket A",
  "reversed": false

Some fields have specific requirements, which are detailed below.

postedDateStringISO 8601 as YYYY-MM-DDWhen the transaction is completed (posted) on the core
transactionDateStringISO 8601 as YYYY-MM-DDWhen the transaction occurs. Cannot be later than the postedDate
amountStringThis value is always in USDFor debit accounts:

- Positive amounts = inflow

- Negative amounts = outflowFor loan accounts:

- Positive amounts = outflow

- Negative amounts - inflow
categoryNullable StringCategorized by the core; values vary across customers
merchantNullable String
reversedBooleanIndicates whether a transaction has been reversed